Saturday, May 7, 2011

Walk to work

There is a new industrial estate in Kensington running from the park off Kensington Rd and Lloyd St.
I have seen cars coming out from the estate under the railway bridge, and wondered where they were coming from. Rosemary had mentioned that she had seen all the cyclists going through but I wasn't sure where they got in.
I was talking with a nurse at the Breastfeeding seminar about driving parking and walking and she mentioned she came through the estate. So I decided to try it.
The other incentive was that building works in Derby Street where I turn to get to my parking spot, have meant they have closed the street for the last few weeks each morning, as the building there blocks the street for trucks etc. There is no other access except from Macaulay Road.
My only alternative was to join the line crawling down Macaulay Rd.
always activity and barking when I go by!
So I turn up Kensington Road ( getting out of Dynon Rd traffic after only 500mts) and then turn at the railway bridge and travel parallel to the line and past Kensington Station as it also runs along the Park. At the end it comes to the gates of the Estate which open at 7am I am assured.
Following the road through you come to the lights at Lloyd St and the 3rd Rail bridge. Lights change pretty quickly and I am the just near the turn to Arden St so I go up and park in Arden Street usually the first spot is free!
So I have started walking along the back streets past the Lort Smith Dogs home ( I am sure no factories will be turned to housing there the noise is pretty intense!)
Mural on the Centre's wall
Also realized that is where the Doutta Galla Community Centre is based.
The estate means I miss the traffic along Dynon rd, and the often crawl along Lloyd St that may be backed up to Dynon Rd. The trip from Kensington rd to Arden take 5 minutes, so I'll keep to this until Derby St is open again.

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