Saturday, January 29, 2011

Beached !

I  was going to sail with Deb today and find a 3rd crew member, but our plans were thwarted, so I worked in the tower again.
But I did find a 3rd crew Hector Petroni. He was talking to Bernard when I went over to chat & Bernard asked if I knew anyone needing a crew today as Hector was looking. Turns out Hector used to sail in what is now my boat with Bernard and Jason back in late 80's  He's keen to do trapeze (big and strong ) and deb can do main sheet. So we will sail week after next. Next week is Top of the bay always terrible weather, and Hector is sailing with Bernard.
The tower was good,  but we were entertained at end of day with the Rescue boat coming in to toss off the buoys (in USA pronounced Booey) and ran aground in the  shallows.
 The tide was along way out with about 50m from shore of water only 15cm deep and Mick got caught out. 
An ignominious day to have the sailors rescue the boat!!

Sailors on shore came to the rescue!
The other rescue boat arrives to offer a tow!
Beached perilously close to the deck.

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