Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Cranes,birds dogs and bikes

My healthy longer walk to work was stymied this week as they are filming at the warehouse building and trucks took up all the spots. But this week am back at the longer walk again, though there are still considerable more cars than there were.
The creek has been at low tide for some reason, (the moon?) and there are all these treasures hidden below. The bike looks as if it was just dumped so someone missed it I guess. The birds are looking their usual drooping posture while drying off in the sun.
The hospital building is progressing I didn't really see these cranes before, and I was trying to imagine how the driver gets up to his little cabin. A long climb!!
Opposite the hospital is a small cafe , the only one for blocks as we are at the edge of a Park and housing. These two dogs are owned by the owner /chef. They lie outside all day taking little walks around but never stray and this is right next to busy Flemington road. The little one will often sit on the shop step
and look hopeful when the door opens but never goes inside. They get a lot of attention from dog lovers going by, or the cafe regulars. Can't imagine Spencer sitting there!!

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