Monday, January 23, 2017

New Off leash dog park

A flyer in the mail box as well as some notices around alerted me to the erection of a temporary off leash dog park in Brooklyn Reserve (opposite the unit) It is at the pointy end of the triangular park.
The launch was to be at 10am and some kids activity as well with the lane access to the Federation Trail being closed for the morning  
The area in front of the park
An official launch with temporary fencing behind 
Spencer roaming, uninterested in the other dogs!
The park was from State funding to Council who put up their hand for community led projects. This was one of them. Locals have been lobbying for a park for a while but had objection from every suggested site.
There are request for lighting on Federation Trail, seating, as well as a local cafe!! 
And with all proper Aussie events, a Coffee cart
and free coffee to first 100 people!
So dogs and neighbours were out and we had labels with our name and street, so was easy to chat to people.
Just as the official welcomed us and 'also the dogs" two big dogs, a shepherd and a mastiff started barking and lunging at each other, (all on leash outside,) well that set the dogs off and there was a veritable chorus for a few minutes!! Everyone was laughing. Spencer just looked at me.

 The laneway decoration was templates of the neighbourhood streets and kids and adults could stencil the designs

Spencer contributed by walking through the orange paint and has  left a paw print for posterity, when a young girl begged me to let her take him for little walk!

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