Friday, November 13, 2015


Our Knitting Group has moved form Spotswood to Williamstown to a cafe.
 It was great the 1st week, but not so sure this week,We may have to keep looking
One of the woman in the group makes dolls (not knitting)

So in checking out the library I found this book ( as well as some others) So decided to try one out 

So i hunted out an old pair of socks

had to trim off loose bits of the spots

then the cutting
And sewing small seams. This is the head 
Then cutting and sewing the legs 

the arms ready to go in 
Then I decided that even though it was old it looked a but grubby So I washed it 
Looks a bit like a cow!
Then when it was all stitched and stuffed I revised the problems 
Miss Pinky

I realise I inserted one arm upside down
 You push them in when wrong side out so hard to see!
But she looks like she's waving!
I couldn't get the thread he suggested and realise why you want fine thread

her tail is too long and her neck needs to be narrower
Miss Pinky's Piggy lips
 The mouth is the writer's special trick They are made by bunching up the heel. But I struggled with the directions and could not get them tight like you see on his book cover 

Also when sewing the stripe for the base of the foot, it needs to be at the edge of the stripe so the base is a solid colour 
But it was fun doing it; realise it would be better with stripes or motif, and also a contrast colour heel (Lips)

India and after

 I've been unable to post all year ( not that 2020 has been a year of activity) and because the the action bar at the top of the blog di...