Friday, February 12, 2010

Parenting Matters

Today was the first official launch of my new Private Practice business called Parenting Matters.
I had spent January getting organised and last week sent out some packages to the medical practice that often referred patients to me.
One of the most supportive of these is Julian Kelly Pediatrician at RCH who sent me the patient I saw today. A 12 month old with slow weight gain, allergies, and mother needing to stop breast feeding. She has lost over 10kg under her normal weight because of a strict exclusion diet of allergens for the baby who is now 12months.
This sort of case is bread and butter to me, so while I was a little nervous it went well;And she was happy to pay!!!
I am using a consulting room at the home of my friend who runs a Bed wetting treatment program from there as well. The room is free on a Friday so that works out for both of us. The room is in North Balwyn, so convenient to most eastern suburbs.
I developed a flier and business card and have it on my laptop so portable documentation.

I have an education session for Maternal & Child Health Nurses planned for next Friday in St Kilda. I am doing this with Helen Stevens who runs a sleep & settling program. The seminars are sponsored by Dermaveen,(skin care) so the Councils don't have to pay for it, just give staff time off and provide a venue.
They are talking about sleep for the under 6 months and I am doing one called the "Fussy Feeder Under 6 months".
I have developed (from my master's research) a handout of Managing the Fussy feeder, one for staff and one for parents. I decided to do this with a copyright sign on it on letterhead and they can copy it in total. I am hoping from these talks, that I will not come across more babies like H.P. last week, who had been force fed for 2 MONTHS!
But MCH nurses do not have long consultation time after they have done all the check lists they have to do, so I hope to generate referrals from these forums.
As well next week I have another patient, a 4th old baby of one of the past Registrars from the Hospital.
A good start!

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