Sunday, August 23, 2009

The big move

Today was the big move of furniture from Beaumaris. I started the day with an appointment with the doctor to have my dressing taken down on my nose; stitches out Friday. It looks better than I'd anticipated, but the scar seems to run up to my eyebrow.
Celia and I are keeping 5 items of furniture, (9 counting the 4 chairs) but I have to move it all and then distribute / get rid of the rest.
We are having the dining room table and sideboard that was Mum and Dad's and the blouse chest that was Mum's. The chest is made from fruit crates and the frame wrapped in Twine.They have deep drawers so the blouses could be laid folded, without getting crushed.
We will use it for table linen.
I have had discussion with the local New Hope Centre, working with refugees and hopefully I can donate the unwanted furniture and the ones we are replacing, directly to families rather than to a service where they then have to buy it. The other piece is the final surviving chair of Mum and dad's lounge suite. It has be recovered in the same as the dining chairs. All this stuff 50+ years old. Maddy always looked after things so they look good still!

I arrived about 1000 and put the op shop stuff back in the car and added the blankets and doonas.Then sat down to wait, and the next door neighbour Sharon came in and offered me a coffee while I waited, so I went into her place, then we sat out on the wall in the sun till the van arrived -promptly at 1130.
They were really good, careful and quick and were happy to add any of the pots of plants I wanted. While I was waiting for them to finish I picked a final vase of flowers.
They took about 75 minutes to load the van, then we headed off to Footscray, about an hour's trip. Fortunately our narrow street was fairly empty of cars and they were unfazed by our winding garden path.I had created some space for where the pieces were to go (seeing I have 2 of many things at the moment.) there were finished by 230 and i took my car to the Salvos op shop and went to the loading bay and it was open and the guy there helped me off load stuff.
Then to Le Chien cafe for a late lunch and after called in at the New Hope Centre. Kara said she was about to ring me and asked if it was convenient to come tomorrow at 1000 as they had the van then! PERFECT!
I think only Celia and I realise how much work went into these before and after pictures!

1 comment:

see me said...

Wow Mich what a great job you have done! Timing it all and coordinating the removal and receival (isn't a word but works for me) of everything. I guess you'd be sleeping now having a well earned rest.
Love and thanks

India and after

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