Monday, August 10, 2009

Bennetts Lane

Once we have found the Bennett's Lane Jazz club we have been there again and I have seen Yvette Johansson for the third time. We had a great time on Friday night with some other friends of Celia from new York. Yvette was as great as usual including singing another Blossom Dearie song.
Blossom Dearie (previously unknown to me!) died this year February 7, 2009 at 85, was an American Jazz singer and pianist often performing in the bebop genre and known for her distinctive girlish voice. The songs Yvette chose to sing were very funny with rapid short line lyrics. The program for the coming months looks interestign , with suggestiosn form Sue (New York) on good artists, means I will be there again.
It is cheap ($20) and there is no compulsion to buy drinks, though they make their money from that so one glass can set you back $11.
I now have three regular music venues. Albert Park Yacht Club, Sorelli at Czech Club in North Melbourne, and Bennett's Lane, a whole new interest for me in my later years!!!

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