Saturday, December 28, 2019

A Day at the Beach

I had bought Dylan a wetsuit for Xmas as he had discovered Body boarding last year, but stay din the water until he was blue with cold
So we went down to Sandy Gully Beach on a lovely day with good waves

 After initial dramas from Dylan, whose first attempt failed, he then was hooked again
The wetsuit fitted well

Max, while he liked the beach, hated the waves (even the water) coming in over his feet
He would run 50 mts away as it came in
safely above the tide mark 

braving the waves

Celia and I worked on him and eventually was happy to sit in the waves as they came in up to his waist
We realised that he found it hard to keep his balance so we held his hands and after a while he let go "for a second!" and as we said "We've created a monster"

India and after

 I've been unable to post all year ( not that 2020 has been a year of activity) and because the the action bar at the top of the blog di...