Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Sydney to Hobart

It was a thrill to realise that the Sydney to Hobart entered the Derwent river just below us in opossum bay on the way to Hobart
Wild Oats X1
We were waken by the sirens and helicopters about 8 am on 29th as Wild Oats X1 came past.
Closely followed by Comanche and Black Jack 

We had Comanche taking right in front ofd us and coming close enough to see how HUGE they were 

this is Alive. First Tas boat to win on Handicap in 30 years
it sailed past as we were down at the beach  
 After Christmas I went up to stay in Hobart with Bis.

 We went on a walk around Constitution Dock to see all the boats there

In Hobart is the Taste of Tasmania Festival (established to keep people in Hobart after the race) that celebrates wine and food. The warehouse on the wharf has small stalls selling food and wine from all over the state and runs for 5 days. So we dropped down for dinner each evening 
They have an apartment overlooking Salamanca square 

Bis and me 
 Bis' brother in law was sailing in the race on a boat called Black Sheep (appropriate name as they are sheep farmers)
So we dropped in to see over it. A small one compared to Wild Oats!!

 Gerrard has a helicopter in which we did a fly over the property but I got a bit queasy so we cut it short.
 Also did a visit to their home in Melton Mowbray. Lovely Banks was Bis' childhood home but the property is now enormous with Gerrard buying up around for his Merino Stud

Also went up to Orford on the east coast to their 'shack' (taste for holiday use) They had had the house for years but only recently did it up. So they were seeing the finished product.
A lovely time getting to know them both better

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