Monday, May 14, 2018

Walk No.5 Distillery Creek Aireys Inlet

After my interesting walk to find Distillery Creek and the vagaries of Google maps I drove to the main area and walked from there
Off Bambra road in Aireys Inlet (to the right at the wetland at the lower shops) I followed some signs and dirt roads to arrive at the Picnic Grounds.
The day was sunny but had rained so was a bit wet underfoot but not muddy.
The picnic area 
There are 4 trails from the area, a circuit as well as even a walk to Moggs Creek !
Some stock yards on  Bambra Road 
A hill route I declined !
Stunning Hakea blossom
A sense of humour 
 The walk has lots of information signage about the trees &  fauna as well as the water course
the walk is well signposted with just little posts and the directional tag 
A lovely view to walk
The Bellbirds by Henry Kendall 
By channels of coolness the echoes are calling, 
and down the dim gorges I hear the creek falling
It lives in the mountain, where moss and the sedges
Touch with their beauty the banks and the ledges. 

I always think of this when I see moss along the paths  or hear the piping of birds ( not necessarily Bellbirds!) So after a while I started to photograph all the mosses etc 

dried seed heads 
Stunning red bark 
And yellow dried grasses 
a few rest spots to check out the birds 

Parrots well camoflaged 
dried creek bed 
walkway over the wet areas 
Maybe a walk for another day !

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