Sunday, December 26, 2010

Boxing Day

Not really a holiday in USA but we decided we wanted a slow day. We all repaired to Bernadette's apartment on the 32nd floor (she had the bigger TV screen) and we holed up to watch DVD's all set in New York. So we watched Breakfast at Tiffany's generally deciding we did not like the character of Holly Golightly; Serendipity, especially with snow in N.Y. This was especially great as small snow flurries started at about 2pm, with regular reported by self and others as it built up on the veranda. We watched Working Girl, a favorite of us all, esp Harrison Ford and followed up with 27 Dresses that we were not too enthusiastic about, but all loved !
Lots of places I recognized and others Celia said we would see.We were certainly maxed out with the box but a great lazy day
The snow started about 3pm and the view was soon obscured. The snow kept falling and was forecast as a Blizzard for the next day. A blizzard by definition is not the amount of snow but the wind force accompanying it and it was to be windy. We could hear it starting to roar as we went to bed.

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