Last night I went to the Members' preview of 70 years: The House of Dior exhibition. There had been a Gala the night before so it was all still set up in the foyers and the cafe area. A bit more glam than other previews I had been to !!
Beautiful floor uninstallation by Michael Lin |
Federation is a newly commissioned floor painting by renowned Taiwanese artist Michael Lin. Hand-painted in collaboration with local Melbourne artists, "this immersive environment invites visitors to pause and reconsider the architecture of Federation Court at NGV International"
Just a small corner of the Exhibition
Let me Whet your appetite
These were the pattern makers along with French interpreter |
From a past exhibition I learnt these are the miracle workers. From a sketch or drawing they make up a pattern so that the dress works as well as fits and can be structured to flow as the drawing shows.They were happy to chat about their work.
Opposite the women developed pieces |
There were hats and shoes .
On the models of the exhibition so they wouldn't just have bald heads Stephen Jones from Dior created the headpieces if they didn't have their own hat. Went to a talk by him before the exhibition opened.