After Maddy's funeral we had a get together of the kids form the area and had a good catch up at Beauy Pub.
Since then we have got together a few times and this year we organised it when Celia was home
Alan Grant chose restaurant where he knew the owner, and it was on Charman Rd just near Balcombe Rd and Mentone Girls High school where a few went to school but where we passed in the school bus each day.
Celia and I offered to pick up Maggie Fooke en route What a debacle!!
She told us what tram she would be on (lived in St Kilda so knew her way…currently lives in Castlemaine )and we agreed to meet at the St Kilda Town hall. She texted that she was delayed because of road works diverting the tram, but was on the way.
Then she said she was approaching the stop.
But no one got off the tram we saw. then she said she had gone past and would get off at the next one. Well same story.
Then it turns out she was on a different tram and was on Dandenong Rd!!
We then and to work out how to get there and became disoriented in the dark and the " look like parallel roads, but aren't' " But do eventually find her and got to cafe about 30minutes late
But no problem they were all into the wine and appetisers!
So we and a great night great food and great stories.
Alan and Kerry (his wife) are there As well as his sister Loretta, (Geraldine came last time), Then Sandra and Cheryl (next door) and Maggie (from diagonally over the back) and Celia and I.
Celia, Kerry,Sandra, Maggie |
Loretta, Cheryl, Alan |
me Loretta, Cheryl |