Brisbane for the weekend! Traveled up Business class using my frequent flyer points. No Direct flight so had a 40 minute wait in Sydney then arrived to sunshine and 28degrees. Staying at the Ibis hotel who offer some free internet access so catching up in the bar while I have a gin and tonic in happy hour (
I met up with Kate, Jo's daughter and with her young son Natal 6 months. We went to see the Valentino exhibition What a delight room after room of fabulous gowns, A beautiful selection of his collection,We arrived at 1000 and got in with the first 5-10 people In half an hour the place was packed and we stopped walking in sequence and just viewed the ones with less of a crowd. Natal in a baby byorn was a good as gold; attracting attention of his own being so gorgeous as you can see.
There were des
descriptions of the gowns as well as any info of who might have owned or worn them Audrey Hepburn, Jackie Kennedy, Cate Blanchett, Liz Taylor etc.
There was a fascinating video called The Red Dress. Valentino drew a picture of the dress fine pleated, straight with a insert ruffle a shawl type body and a bow at the bust. Then he hands it to the Chief dressmaker and she works out how to make it!!!!! She described how it was hard to keep the dress tight and straight as the pleated fabric needed bulk so she had to build it over a flat body corset. He just admired or criticised the finished product!! And to my embarrassment I can't remember her name!!! I hope she receives appropriate remuneration!
We the had lunch and chatted about families, then Kate h
eaded off for a driving lesson
and I went to the State library (next door) I missed the War and Love exhibition opening next week, but saw a great exhibit about the Lindsays, Norman and his siblings.
Then down to the Art Gallery and saw an exhibition of (another) unknown-to-me artist Vida Lohan who was a contemporary of Margaret Preston. As well as other painting she became well admired esp by Arthur Streeton for her flower paintings.

I met up with Kate, Jo's daughter and with her young son Natal 6 months. We went to see the Valentino exhibition What a delight room after room of fabulous gowns, A beautiful selection of his collection,We arrived at 1000 and got in with the first 5-10 people In half an hour the place was packed and we stopped walking in sequence and just viewed the ones with less of a crowd. Natal in a baby byorn was a good as gold; attracting attention of his own being so gorgeous as you can see.
There were des

There was a fascinating video called The Red Dress. Valentino drew a picture of the dress fine pleated, straight with a insert ruffle a shawl type body and a bow at the bust. Then he hands it to the Chief dressmaker and she works out how to make it!!!!! She described how it was hard to keep the dress tight and straight as the pleated fabric needed bulk so she had to build it over a flat body corset. He just admired or criticised the finished product!! And to my embarrassment I can't remember her name!!! I hope she receives appropriate remuneration!
We the had lunch and chatted about families, then Kate h

Then down to the Art Gallery and saw an exhibition of (another) unknown-to-me artist Vida Lohan who was a contemporary of Margaret Preston. As well as other painting she became well admired esp by Arthur Streeton for her flower paintings.