We had engagements in Hobart Launceston and Ulverstone. We flew over with Virgin Airlines (my first time with them and was impressed) arrived in Hobart and got a hire car and found our way downtown to Salamanca Place. Mt Wellington in the background
Our first group (the largest) was to be at the Bellerive Yacht Club-- a great venue. The chance to do this work has been because Cindy had acquired sponsorship from Dermaveen, who were launching a range of baby skin care products. They were very generous in their sponsorship and

Helen spoke on their program of sleep and settling that is the opposite of the Controlled Crying technique. She is a very lively and dynamic speaker, and some of the feed back said she would be a hard act to follow! Not sure if they meant I was the opposite, or just I did a good job considering her start!!
I spoke on the Fussy feeder and bottle refusal in the under 6month old baby. The feed back was extremely good (Mostly excellent for all the groups, but one commented it lacked any relevance for her because "we have 93% breastfeeding in Tasmania" On closer checking I found she was a midwife in maternity Unit so not really sure why she was there.
We had an eventful drive to Launceston slowed down by 3 lots of road works on the Midland Highway. Our expected trip pf 2.5 hours was extended to almost 4. In the end we had to go to the venue directly and not the break at the hotel as planned. We arrived in time and rushed round getting set up. The venue organizer had been called away to the deathbed of her aunt so we had her husband helping. That was a small group and a bit of a plod , but the feedback was still good.
We got back to the hotel about 830 and had a lovely dinner then to bed early as Helen & I were driving to Ulverstone b

Lovely outlook as we spoke and a great breakfast as well bets caterer of the lot!
While we were working Cindy had a later appointment as she stayed at the hotel, had breakfast then had a shower She likes it hot so had it steaming up the bathroom so opened the bathroom door; and after 5 minutes there was banging on the door and alarm noises... The fire Brigade!! The steam had set off the alarm outside the door. There did not appear to be an exhaust fan in the bathroom (tho I think there must have been but i also didn't note it coming on. So drama settled and she set off. We had a good trip back to Launceston then had a few hours shopping

Had a good flight back despite worry re lots of cloud and wind. Arrived home to Celia meeting me and an early night!!
A very successful start to our collaboration!