The weather is changing and it is dark when I wake now, but with daylight saving ending on April 5th so I will be heading out in the light soon. The rain over the last 2 weeks has
made some changes on my morning walk. I was delighted by the appearance of the lovely flowers on the hedge alongside the park each morning. I kept meaning to take my camera to get a photo so when I finally remembered I was cross with myself to find that it had been clipped over the weekend, so the photo is only a small measure of its glory! I think it is boobialla isn't that a great name!but not sure of the plant.

Friday was my god daughters Michelle's & Pauline's 18th birthday and they came do
wn to go out to a night club with their sister and brother (now th
ey are 18 they are allowed in!) I gave them each a small cabin roller suitcase. Very well received! They stayed the night and on Sunday, Fran came down and we all went out to lunch at a Vietnamese BBQ restaurant. This was their first experience of Vietnamese food so we tried the delicious Viet Spring rolls and then the BBQ beef with rice paper rolls to prepare ourselves. All delicious. Returning to the house we had candles and cake then they headed back home.