Thursday, February 26, 2009
Maddy's stuff.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
A mad weekend

· Friday night Orientation for Thang
· a.m.Sat Shopping
· Afternoon, Yacht club and a little touring, looking for a Tennis club.
· 6.30 Dinner at Southgate (leaving Thang organised at home)
· Saw the MTC Play "Poor Boy" with Guy Pierce and music of Tim Finn (Fantastic) in the new Sumner theatre
· Sunday a.m. leave home 1030 to the city; Park and walk up to Fed square t

· Early lunch at Pancake Parlour (Kate drawing in the present I gave her)
· 1pm Wicked (Kate buying the Program)
· 345 finished (thought it would be earlier and planned to meet Thang on Bridge at 330.
· Rushed down and got to him 3.55
· Home by 4.20
· Left 430 to WLT
· Play Life X 3 Well done!
· Home, picked up Viet Takeaway and had tea at home with Sue and Wendy and Thang
· Crashed to be

· Work Monday very busy
· Left 445 walked to car
· Drove down Kings way (traffic Appalling)
· Turned to Nolan Street and up to Art centre,(traffic cleared) Collected Thang from spot he knew
· Drove to Patterson lakes (60mins good run)

· Dinner with Kate et al Roast lamb and Choc Ripple birthday cake. Andrew and Thang got on very well.
· Watched Top Gear. The car team were riding motor bikes round Vietnam!! Hysterical.
· Drove home (usual quick return 50mins)
· Crashed in bed 1030
· Up early to water the garden, walked to work, a quiet day planned!
Kate got a new scooter for her birthday and enjoyed it immensely. They were also demonstrating the stilts Andrew had made for them ‘at the other house’ A long way from fruit tins and string!!
Friday, February 20, 2009
Waiting for ....
Then about 5:45 a car pulled up and it was Deb. The pick up had not happened and so he rang the service who said they were on the way (an hour late) but still another 45 mins later had still not arrived so he rang Deb who happened to be free and was in the area so she collected him and brought him here

Thang (pron Tang) is studying linguistics at the Uni, meeting research people to help present his PhD. He has a 2.5 year old boy, called Vu, who in an email already is asking where is daddy?. His mother is worried he will get sick! My child development knowledge and Skype will keep things on an even keel I think.
I had an “I knew something was wrong!...” experience today A little boy I had seen early January with no weight gain for 5 months and after assessing his feeding and getting him going, he was doing well, eating more and taking small amounts of milk We were stunned 3 weeks ago to find he had lost weight! I said he must have something else going on but he was reviewed in 2 weeks and encouraged to have more calories. Well Monday he had lost more weight.
He was admitted on Tuesday and his eating is not bad (toddlers are the pickiest of eaters!) and while he doesn’t drink much milk he does have 3 small breastfeeds still. As I was leaving (to get home to meet Thang) I spoke again to the consultant and said what other investigations they were going to do….. No more they said …because he has renal disease! This is almost identical to a girl I was seeing in 2007 and I found out that mid last year she presented in cardiac failure due to renal Hypertension; had a shrivelled kidney removed and is now chubby and eating well……. Not sure how we are to pick them, but if our interventions don’t work there is some

Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Cranes,birds dogs and bikes

The creek has been at low tide for some reason, (the moon?) and there are all these treasures hidden below. The bike looks as if it was just dumped so someone missed it I guess. The birds are looking their usual drooping posture while drying off in the sun.

Opposite the hospital is a small cafe , the only one for blocks as we are at the edge of a Park and housing. These two dogs are owned by the owner /chef. They lie outside all day taking little walks around but never stray and this is right next to busy Flemington road. The little one will often sit on the shop step

Sunday, February 15, 2009
Weekend activity

Tuesday, February 10, 2009
More work

This enduring image is to be developed as a poster and sold for the CFA
Work has been busy (what’s new!) but with lots of good resolution of problems as well as lots of non-eaters. They seem to come out of the woodwork!!
I am planning to do a consultation clinic to Tweddle Mother & Baby Unit for a short-term residential program for poor feeders. They said “Toddlers over 2 are the main group aren’t they?” I didn’t like to tell them that it’s the under 12 months that I want them to address, but I guess starting with the ‘easy’ ones is a start. I have drawn up a model of the clinic and will meet with them on Friday.
Still working on the changes to my Thesis of which the main argument is that the examiner thinks it’s a pre test/ post-test study!!! There is no Pre-test anything!!! But because I have statistics it is a ‘quantitative study’ not the ethnographic phenomenological or mixed method one I think. The questionnaires were to describe the group not to assess them. So I have some reasonable changes to make and then the argument!!
Had word from Vietnam re my Home stay student Tat Thang, he arrives next Thursday 19th. He should be OK to be a bit independent, as I have things on Sat (MTC) & Sunday evenings (WLT) as well as “Wicked” on Sunday week lunchtime for Kate’s birthday.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
The aftermath...ongoing
At Wandong a resident and former CFA firefighter, Brian Harper, said he wat

And this is only one town. Kilmore is on fire and residents and tourists are stranded in Yarra Glen, north-east of Melbourne, after fires cut roads going in and out of town.
What is incomprehensible is that some fires are thought to have been deliberately lit. This one on the foreshore at Back Rock among them.
I was out briefly in cool clothes Imagine how HOT these guys must have been!!
The work of the CFA volunteers is enormous. They are real heroes!
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Hottest day on Record

Friday, February 6, 2009
6 Interesting Things
Frustrating Day

Wednesday, February 4, 2009
The other end

I walk under 3 railway bridges of decreasing height, the area is famous for trucks stuck who do the first one and don’t realise the lo

I then walk past an electric sub station that on a sunny morning, causes a weird flashing light as the sun comes through the vertical bars in a strobe effect. At the corner I turn and face the railway crossing but have a pedestrian gate to use, then I am at the trees again.
Last week as I was driving home near the crossing, it is single lane over the tracks, but cars often charge up in the two lanes and merge abruptly. A flashy purple car did just that, but had to stop suddenly as another car had done the same. I saw them stop again (we had all been stationary) but the car behind had a gap so was moving faster and I could see it coming up on me and sure enough Bang. Not very loud or forceful but

Tuesday, February 3, 2009
The heat has gone

Spotted a black swan on the Moonee Ponds Creek. Japanese for Swan is translated as “white bird” (shirotori) so rather hard to describe a black white bird! The Overpass follows the track of the train line and the creek so is a very mixed sort of view.
This group of men attract

The other book was Small Secrets by Maree Egglestone, a novel, based on her days as a student nurse at Prince Henry’s in 1974. Lots of memories and similar episodes came to my mind. She did her Paediatrics at Prince Henry’s on the ward where I was Charge nurse for a year in 1978/79 but many nurses went to the Children’s. She said, “Comparing 10 West with the Royal Children's Hospital was like comparing Porepunkah State School to Melbourne University” Not sure what we are reading next I think Steven Carroll The Time we have taken, Then The White Tiger
India and after
I've been unable to post all year ( not that 2020 has been a year of activity) and because the the action bar at the top of the blog di...

It has been a long 5 years in the building of the new Hospital but it has also sped by and hard to believe that we moved in last week! It w...
It is hard to generate from photos the magnificence of this tree. It is in almost full bloom now, and the perfume wafts through the house a...
I was invited by Tony and Lisa from the yacht club to join them on a sailing week in Croatia out of Split on the Adriatic. I hesitated fin...