The day dawned well with a sunny morning after 3 days of rain; a good omen.

Thank you to all the cards, gifts, emails and e cards I received! I had saved them to open this morning, so that took a while as my coffee cooled! Celia surprised me with a Lumix Digital camera! I had said to her the other day that I thought I would get a new camera on my next trip as the Aldi one (albeit great) I have is not great on zoom, and she smiled and said "good idea!"

So after doing the washing (it has been so damp things seem mouldy) we walked up to Teien Art gallery, my favourite Museum. They had an exhibition
Art Deco in the former home of Prince Asaka. I thought it was an art deco exhibition, but it was actually the house itself open, done annually I gather. When exhibitions are on I spend my time peering behind the displays to see the heater vents, the doors etc. Today it was all on show and you could take photos!
We then toured the Japanese style garden and tea house then rested in the open

garden for a brief time.
Our plan was to pick up a 'take away' lunch from the supermarket and eat it at Happoen another beautiful garden opposite my street. We spent a time perusing what was on offer, then settled on roast chicken wings, Egg plant in miso sauce on rice, green salad with green soy beans, some Vietnamese style vege rolls, some jelly fruit for dessert, and a half bottle of Chardonnay. The chec

k out girl gave us some chopsticks and spoons, but we were not sure what we would do about the wine. But we were also going to browse the 100 Yen shop, and ended up picking up some glasses (small dish shape for multi function living) as well as 2 new tea cups as I broke the only one left yesterday.

So we walked to the garden and saw a sign saying no eating or drinking, so instead we went to the kids' park just at the top of my street and sat under the wisteria bower and had a lovely lunch. We were intrigued to see we wer

e eating jelly that was
'Fruits Therapy; Refresh and Beauty Support' a very 'Japanese" touch.
After lunch we walked back again to Happoen and this time strolled around in the sunshine .The weather had also brought out all the brides for their photos. Done on a day before the wedding in Japan unless you have a garden at your wedding venue. I guess t

hey hit it lucky with the day or maybe they decide where to go on the day. We saw one as we entered and sat on a seat with 4 women who were waiting to move on when the photographer had finished. As we walked away we spotted another at the top of the rise and the women also laughed and said "More of them!!" all in all 4 brides!
While organising photos from my new camera I had 3 Skype calls including a cake and candles from Andrew and the family. It was amazing that when I blew the candles from here they went out in Patterson Lakes!!(what a magic bit of technology is Skype!)
We then went out to dinner in Sushi

restaurant on the 38th floor with views over the lights of Eastern Tokyo.